Matthias Strobel

Matthias Strobel

I am the founder and President of MusicTech Germany, the Federal Association for Music Technology in Germany which was the first association of that kind globally. I also run Wicked Artists, a booking agency for creative technology artists with the goal to promote outstanding creative artistry. Besides that, I am a lecturer for music tech entrepreneurship at Clive Davis Institute for Recorded Music at NYU. I believe that curiosity for new trends and an open mindset are key to building anything sustainable in the music biz. Innovation in the digital age only happens through collaborations. We live in the age of exponential growth and access to technology has never been easier. No individual, nor any company, has expertise in every possible field that needs to be considered in order to create truly innovative products or services. Hence, knowledge transfer and transdisciplinary collaborations are mandatory to understand the world of tomorrow. The future lies in eco-systems, not ego-systems. I chose to make my passion my everyday profession. Hit me up if you want to talk about music, innovation, creative technology, or how to build ecosystems. I offer consultancy to selected startups and artists and I give workshops and keynotes on a variety of topics that are connected to applied innovation. Utilizing emerging technologies in combination with creative artistry is one of the most powerful tools to break existing silos and enable cross-sectoral collaborations. I believe that everyone has a story to tell. Tell me yours! [email protected] I send out a thoughtfully crafted weekly digest with the latest news in music technology, called the MusicTech Rewinder. 10 links with interesting articles and inspiring stories on music (business) innovation, technology developments, new reports & research findings, political discussions, promising startups and creative artistry in the field of musictech. Each Friday at noon (CEST), you will receive an email with enough reading material until the next week. No spam! No bullshit! Stay informed and get inspired! Matt