MusicTech Rewinder - Issue #47


here comes this week's MusicTech Rewinder issue with the latest news in music tech.

Besides all the other news, NFTs have been the talk of the town over the last weeks. If you are thinking about tapping into this area, here is a pretty good guide on how to create and sell crypto art but I urge you to read this and that article, too.

Also, Memo Akten has created, a tool to help you get a sense of how much carbon is being emitted by the buying and selling of different digital artworks.

Enjoy reading and have a fantastic weekend,


Many music industry insiders are not happy with YouTube. The platform is a source of piracy and doesn't pay enough, they claim.

The humble recorder has an illustrious history in Western music, including a golden era and a recent rebirth.

With the release of two free programs that encourage experimentation with global tuning systems, the musician and researcher Khyam Allami is challenging the Western biases of music production software.

The barrier to entry can be steep, but the reward is oh so worth the investment.

A third of musicians could leave the industry due to the financial losses brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, a report cited by NME says. The research

I was recently plugging around in a closet when I spotted it lurking in the semi darkness. I found myself staring at and wondering why, for about forty years,

Patreon, OnlyFans and other subscription platforms are booming during the pandemic – but what happens when concerts are back?

Music Industry News, Jobs & Charts

Let's explore the requirements of a scenario in which digital sound could be equal to, and perhaps even surpass, analog sound.

In 2019, former Universal Music executives Mattias Tengblad and Emil Angervall co-founded a brand called ‘Corite’ which provided a platform for music fans to directly invest in their favorite artist brand and receive monetary returns on investments.

SoundCloud is uniquely positioned to offer this transformative new model due to the powerful connection between artists and fans that takes place on our…